School Uniform
We pride ourselves on being smart and ready to learn. Children at St Peter’s J, I and EY Church of England Primary School and are always smart and clean. School uniform can be purchased online through Parent Pay or non-branded alternatives are available from other retailers or supermarkets. Pre-loved uniform is also available at various points in the year. We will notify parents in advance when we run a pre-loved uniform shop. Donations for these uniforms are kindly welcomed.
St Peter's Uniform:
All pupils' clothing should be clearly labelled with their name.
- Navy Blue sweatshirt or cardigan, branded or unbranded.
- White polo shirt, branded or unbranded.
- Blue and white gingham dress.
- Grey or Black trousers, shorts or skirt.
- Smart plain black shoes
PE Uniform:
- Plain white shirt
- Dark coloured shorts or jogging bottoms
- Black pumps